Employment Law for 16 Year Olds in Scotland

However, if you want to do this, you need to make sure you are aware of the under-18 labour laws in the UK. If the employee meets the above criteria, she will receive pay for the initial 39 weeks of maternity leave. The first six weeks are paid at 90% of the employee`s usual wage rate (before taxes) for the employee in question. Thereafter, for the remaining 33 weeks of the paid portion of the maternity leave, only the lump sum of SMP is paid. The current SMP flat rate is £156.66. The amount of maternity benefit that can be collected from the employer by the government depends on the employer`s social security contributions in the corresponding tax year. However, at least 92% of the SMP will be recoverable and in many cases 100% During school holidays, 13 to 14 year olds are only allowed to work a maximum of 25 hours per week. These include: Under the Child Labour Act, children under the age of 13 cannot be employed. However, children under the age of 13 may participate in sports, advertising, modeling, film, television, theatrical productions or other entertainment if local regulations for the approval of children`s shows are followed. [4] Here they can only work 35 hours a week and eight hours a day during school holidays. Contrary to what is provided for by labour law for young people aged 16 to 18, there is no obligation to pay them the national minimum wage. Other general rules for 13-16 year olds are: What are the labour laws for 15-year-olds? Can you use them at all? If you are too young to leave school, you can check your employment rights and working hours on GOV.UK. These records must be kept for 2 years from the date of their creation.

Or you can read our guide, which includes important details about the labor laws you need to follow. Employees typically require two years of service before they can bring an action for wrongful dismissal. There are a number of exceptions to this qualifying service requirement. These exceptions include (but are not limited to) dismissals for whistleblowing, dismissals related to certain health and safety grounds, or dismissals related to unlawful discrimination. In most cases, however, it will very often be possible to dismiss an employee with less than two years of service, provided that the decision is not based on a discriminatory ground without following an important procedure. However, in most cases, employers should consider as much as possible the procedural recommendations of the ACAS Code of Disciplinary Procedures and Complaints (see below). Up to the age of 18, young people who leave school must take one of the following measures: An employer is required by law to provide employees and employees who start working from 6 April 2020 with written information about the conditions of employment no later than the first day of work. Employees who were employed before this date must receive the conditions within two months of their date of entry. Well, the short answer is yes, but labour law for under-16s or 16-year-olds with an early school age is different. Your parents/caregivers will usually need to complete and sign a portion of the application form to confirm that they agree that you are doing the job and that you are fit for work.

The local authority may ask you to undergo a medical examination before a work permit is issued. If you employ young workers, you need to understand how school age affects labour law for minors in the UK. If you are too young to leave school, there are strict limits on the hours you can work. You can check your labour rights and working hours on GOV.UK as well as in the Scottish Government`s Guide to Child Employment. See also the Scottish Government`s guide to child employment. Every day you work more than four hours, you need to have a one-hour rest. You should also have at least two weeks each year if you are not in school and not working. In most local authorities, your employer must apply for a work permit from them within a week of starting their employment. If they don`t, they could commit a crime. 13- and 14-year-olds have restrictions on a maximum of 25 hours per week during school holidays, of which only five hours a day and only two hours on Sundays.

The local authority may withdraw your work permit if it believes that: For more information on this point, see our article on the dismissal of employees with less than two years of service. Below is a brief guide to labour law in Scotland, England and Wales. It sets out the legal situation of 6 April 2022. As a risk management tool, employers should have an agenda system in place to review the employment relationship with new employees at the end of their probationary period and perhaps also after six months, twelve months, eighteen months and twenty months. Probationary periods are a useful way to monitor a new employee`s performance and, in most cases, an employer can terminate the employment relationship relatively easily during or at the end of the probationary period. Another option is to extend the trial period for another period, such as three months, to let the employee know that not everything is in order. If the trial period is to be extended, there should be a contractual right to do so and the period should be extended before the expiry of the initial period. If no terms and conditions of employment are enacted, it is possible for an employee (or an employee who started work on or after April 6, 2020) to file an application with an employment court, which can then determine what details should have been included. In practice, the main disadvantage in the absence of a written employment contract is that disputes can arise if the working conditions are not sufficiently clear.

However, it is also possible that compensation may be awarded to an employee who has not received terms and conditions of employment in certain circumstances. All employees with two years of service have the right to bring an action for unfair dismissal. Any worker who has worked continuously for one year and who « has or expects a child to be responsible for a child » has the legally enforceable right to take unpaid parental leave while the child is under the age of eighteen, subject to a total maximum of 18 weeks of leave for each child (4 weeks per year compared to the standard scheme). In order to end the employment relationship fairly, the dismissal must be carried out for one of the following reasons: It is possible that an employer pays more than just SSP in the form of an occupational or contractual sickness benefit. The specific conditions of sickness benefit are laid down in the employment contract of each employee. An employee who has given birth to a child or who is expected to be born or put up for adoption and who meets certain conditions is entitled to two weeks of paternity leave. This can be taken at any time up to eight weeks after the date of birth or placement for adoption. To be eligible for paternity leave, the employee must be the father of the child or be married to the child`s mother or adopted child, or be a life partner or partner.

In addition, the employee must have or expect to be responsible for the child`s education. The employee must also inform the employer and must have 26 weeks of uninterrupted employment ending in the 15th week before the EWC. Paternity allowance is paid at the same flat rate as SMP. Local regulations may also include other restrictions on hours of work, working conditions and type of employment. There are two main areas for 16-year-old employment in UK law. For more information and comprehensive information on the employment of young people under the age of 16, please visit the Scottish Government`s website. Take out employment insurance – You will need employer liability insurance as soon as you become an employer Our employment law fact sheet is full of useful information for employers. You can access the PDF version by clicking on the link below, or if you would like to print a free copy, please send an email to employment@morton-fraser.com with your name and address. You may need to present your work permit for inspection by an authorized local authority officer or police officer. Young people can work full-time as soon as they leave school, i.e. on the last Friday in June of the year in which they reach the age of 16. Please note that young people are now obliged to continue to participate in education and training until the age of 18.

When a young person takes up a full-time job at the age of 16, he or she still needs to take at least 280 guided guided learning lessons per year as part of education or training. Your local authority should have more information on how to do this, and the state guidelines on youth participation: education, employment or training can be found here. The working hours of children under the age of 16 are limited. It is also possible for an employee to demand a constructive and unfair dismissal. This happens when the employer has significantly violated the employee`s employment contract in such a way that the employee has the right to resign and treat himself as dismissed. This guide is for you if you are between the ages of 13 and graduation age.