Investigate alleged violations of laws and regulations relating to drugs, devices, and cosmetics by taking samples of the items (drugs, devices, and/or cosmetics) at any of the aforementioned facilities for examination and analysis by the State Chemist, Code Section 26-4-131. The Board may appoint an Executive Director who acts at the discretion of the Board. All appointments to the Council are made by the Governor. The term of office of each member of the Executive Board shall be five years or until the appointment and qualification of his successors. Georgian Law on Pharmacy Complete Document of the Law of Georgia on the Practice of Pharmacy See Title 16 – Chapter 13: Controlled Substances; Title 26 – Chapter 4: Pharmacists and pharmacies; Title 43 – Chapter 1: General Provisions The Director must be a licensed pharmacist in that state. At the time of appointment, pharmacists must have been residents of GA for at least six months, possess the current GA license and be in good standing, be active in GA practice, have 5 years of practical experience in GA, not be officially employed as a full-time faculty member by a pharmacy school/college. The agency was founded in 1908 as the Office of the Chief Drug Inspector. Known as the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency since 1976. The Director shall perform his or her duties at the discretion of the Board of Directors and if, for any reason, a vacancy arises in that office, the Board shall appoint a successor at a regular or called meeting. Such personnel must be registered pharmacists in that State if they are employed either as special agents or as assistant directors. Board Rules Searchable list of rules and regulations of the Pharmacy Board of Georgia. Enter and inspect vehicles used to transport or store medications, equipment and/or cosmetics. The Georgian Agency for Drugs and Narcotics is authorized by this section of the Code to enforce the drug laws of that State.
The Council of Pharmacists appoints a director who is responsible for the oversight and control of this body. In the absence of the Executive Director, the Director of the Georgian Agency for Drugs and Narcotics serves as Deputy Executive Director and has all the powers of the Executive Director. visit and inspect factories, warehouses, wholesalers, retail establishments, chemical laboratories and other facilities where drugs, equipment, cosmetics and items designated as family remedies are used; Food drugs and toiletries are manufactured, processed, packaged, wholesaled, retailed or otherwise preserved for introduction into commerce. the seizure and possession of all items reported as contraband in accordance with Chapter 13 of Division 16 and Chapter 3 of this Title and this Chapter. Pharmacist members represent a variety of practice settings and geographic distribution of practitioners across the state. The Agency shall employ the number of persons deemed necessary to adequately protect the health, safety and well-being of the citizens of that State.