Used legally on things or people that are important in a legal case Britannica English: Translation of found for Arabic-speaking law used in legal agreements to highlight a condition of the agreement that might otherwise be subject to doubt or « found » interpretation. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 16 October 2022. He takes his Instagram followers on the ride and gives them a constant stream of photos of his finds, as well as an occasional glimpse of how he brought them back to their former glory. Can you beat the previous winners of National Spelli?. used to refer to something just mentioned The new discovery suggests that at least some signals that look like short GRBs are actually magnetar flares. A round stone excavated in Israel`s Tabun Cave in the 1960s represents the oldest known grinding or rubbing tool, say researchers who studied the 350,000-year-old find. according to a certain rule or law that has been mentioned But as I get older, I find that I get more melodies and have to work harder on the words. The Daily Telegraph and the Illustrated London News also enthusiastically reported on his findings. What review of last season did you find useful and less useful? In the end, I find that it still fails to modernize even the most dramatic things. But you will find that most colleges and collegiate societies prohibit religious instruction and discussion.
Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of other definitions and an advanced search – ad-free! How to use a word that (literally) has something pe. We won`t know this season, although it happens occasionally. Your sacrifice will be the agony of torment, the death of death, and yet you will not be able to resist. I find myself chained at the feet of a woman, my noble Cornelia would despise! More recently, in response to the increase in online shopping, Google has introduced rich results for product shipping and home activities to help individuals find exercises and activities at home during lockdown. But one thing remained now for Felipe: if Ramona lived, he would find her and return her rightful possessions. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! Sailors sometimes use it to fry their meat, for lack of butter, and find it quite pleasant. I always find it an extremely useful way to invent a character and make him sing the song. Improve your vocabulary with these newly added W.