General Legal Counsel Gehalt

On national average, the annual salary as a legal advisor in Germany is €78,071. Filter by location to see the salaries of legal counsel employed in your area. Salary calculations are based on 209 legal counsel salaries published anonymously by employees on Glassdoor. Simply click on a record below in the Law Firm Head Salary payroll and we will show you the details of the General Council Head salary. The composition of the General Counsel`s salary is important if you want to negotiate your salary specifically. Because for the employer (and also for you) it naturally plays a major role whether you receive a fixed salary, or only in the form of a variable payment, that is, only if you have already earned it. By the way, if your position is Head of the General Counsel Legal Department, you can also determine your potential salary with us by completing our questionnaire beforehand. Take a look at the deciding factors that influence your salary The starting salary range for in-house lawyers is huge. According to the azur 2020 study, the lowest annual salary that companies pay young professionals is €45,000 to €55,000 per year.

DAX companies with larger legal services, on the other hand, pay up to 106,000 euros, depending on their additional qualifications. One of the reasons for the increase in general counsel`s salaries is probably the relatively high number of survey participants from large companies: more than 30% of respondents work in companies with more than 10,000 employees. Here, the average salary of the participating General Counsel is 158,000 euros. Your colleagues in companies with up to 500 employees earn an average of 151,000 euros. The previous year, the JUVE survey showed an average base salary of 138,000 euros. The starting annual salary of in-house lawyers can increase by around 28,000 euros if you can present an additional doctorate as a candidate after the second entrance exam. Gross salary at 40 hours per week. Calculation base: 14,508 data records If you want to earn a lot more as a lawyer in a company, you need to take responsibility for the staff. As a group and team leader, the average salary can reach 89,000 euros (including bonuses). Chief lawyers at large companies are paid around €12,000 per month plus €30,000 to €40,000 in bonuses per year for their work. At the top are the General Counsel of companies with more than 10,000 employees with a monthly salary of more than €16,500.

The highest annual salary as a legal advisor in Germany is €118,064. Even those who do not take on management responsibilities are in a good financial position, even though the starting salary in particular is significantly lower than that of a large law firm. As young professionals, in-house lawyers earn around €64,000 on average and with varying shares. With the years of work, the salary amounts on average to 120,000 euros. The focus on the industry is not noticeable, but the highest revenues are widely diversified, as in the previous year. In the real estate sector, at least senior management benefits from the success of the industry. Even a salary of more than 200,000 euros is now possible. Among employees without management responsibility, 16% receive a six-figure base salary. Here, too, the focus on industry is not noticeable. However, employees in the banking and financial sector can expect the highest average base salary. For a job as a legal analyst (m/f/d) in Germany Slowly but surely, the base salaries of employees without management responsibility are also increasing.

Their additional payments have also recently been higher. Nearly one in four people cross the €100,000 mark thanks to these services. In the lower wage groups, additional payments are now also the rule. For example, a third receives a maximum base salary of €70,000, plus between €10,000 and €15,000 in additional benefits. The amount of income depends, among other things, on professional experience, the size of the company and the region. The average salary of the in-house lawyer throughout Germany is about 5,300 euros/month plus a possible bonus. The highest salaries of €700,000 are currently earned in information technology and services. In this category, the financial services industry seems almost modest with a maximum salary of 364,000 euros. More: More than €100,000 in annual salary: Why SAP system specialists earn so well One in five general counsel earn more than €200,000 in base salary.

Only 15% have to settle for a five-figure annual salary, but even from this group, half come thanks to additional benefits of more than 100,000 euros. It is therefore essentially an in-house lawyer. Other synonymous job titles used are corporate counsel, legal counsel, in-house counsel or in-house counsel. In addition, there is significant overlap with the activities of a business lawyer. The positive economic development of the real estate sector, on the other hand, does not seem to be reflected in the salaries of employees in the legal service: wages in the construction and real estate sector have even fallen again recently and remain the lowest on average. Lawyers can hold many other positions in companies, for example as contract coordinator, data protection officer, compliance officer, speaker or clerk or human resources manager. Geographically, there are also big differences. It is of decisive importance in which federal state the professional domicile is located. Economic power and local industries paint a clear picture: Baden-Württemberg is clearly in the lead with an average gross annual salary of just under €187,000, followed by Hesse (€178,000), Bavaria (€172,000) and North Rhine-Westphalia (€170,000). The last three places are occupied by Saxony (139,000 euros), Rhineland-Palatinate (131,000 euros) and Lower Saxony (125,000 euros). These figures are included in the current salary report, which the personnel service provider Hays has published in collaboration with the German Institute for Legal Services and in-house lawyers for this occupational group.

Last year, nearly 850 in-house lawyers, including about 190 general counsel, participated in the study. The latter also provided information on their departments.